Sunday 3 February 2008

Lacie Mobile Hard Drive, Design By F.A. Porsche, 5400 RPM,250GB

Wow, another old but stylish and reliable product.
Are these older models better than ones newly released?... I seem to think so. This is the 2nd product that I seem to share similar thoughts about!
In fact these drives have saved my life quite a few times, lets just say there's data that'll rather not lose or need to have backed-up!

Designed by Porsche and sold by Lacie, the combination is indeed a fine one. I have an older 20GB Digital Databank also from Lacie, 160GB and 250GB of this current version pictured. Yes I do need this many hard drives... I am an artist (digital) afterall! :)

The mobile drives by Western digital, although I love their larger internal HDs and MyBook Pro editions, again not the newer ones, I find that their glossy surfaces really scratch too easily and are not as robust as these from Lacie. With Solid State HDs entering the market, these are going really cheap now, and are highly recommended for anyone always on the move or just need convenient backup. They come with USB2, and some with Firewire combined . Whichever suits your fancy, you will soon realise you can't live without them. Best thing about these, you don't need any external power supply, all your power comes from your USB or firwire attachment.

If only laptops were shipped with powered eSATA attachments!

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