Here's a shorter review.
Okay, I actually own one of these. Actually let me rephrase it, I have actually owned four of these all to myself, the first one a Special Edition, which my older brother took. Then I went out to buy another two for myself!
My sister in law went on to buy another one in red to go with my brother.
Then my mum needed one, so I naturally gave her one of mine, and I went out to look for another, only to realise they were nowhere to be found. Luckily for me there is still online shopping. So here I am back to two!
My wife has bought two more not the Sahora, because she couldn't find them at the time she needed them.
Note: these are amazing to carry around "effortlessly," you don't even have to lean them over to drag, just keep it upright and move them along. They are also lightweight; I mean why have your suitcases take up all your luggage allowances.
I have taken these back and forth between the UK, HK, and SF. My absolute favorite.
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