Wednesday 30 January 2008

Kyocera Ceramic Knives

From the Kyocera website ( states the following:

What are ceramic knives made of?
These knives are made of an advanced, high-tech ceramic called zirconium oxide (also called zirconia). Zirconium oxide is extremely hard, wear resistant, and chemically inert. For the technically minded, zirconium oxide has a hardness of 8.2 mohs (vs. steel at 5-6 mohs and diamond at 10 mohs).

I couldn't have put it better myself, as tough as diamonds? Sure, it's close, but as expensive as diamonds, surely not!

Ceramics, during my University days studying Materials, even way back when was considered amazing! From High performance racing car brakes costing thousands of dollars, to our finger nails can be considered to be ceramics. However, it is the heat properties that are amazing, and when combined with other material to make composites, the subatomic structure is redefined making amazing products like this knife for instance, and perhaps one day very soon: lightweight car engines that are efficient and durable and even higher performing... VRrroooom!

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